Gospel Centered. Doctrinally Sound.

Whether you're new to church or just new to our church, you're probably wondering what our gatherings look like each Sunday. Come as you are. Bring your children. Worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. From your first visit to your 100th time with us, here's what you can expect from us every single week at Silver City Church in Kentucky,  a Reformed Confessinal Church.

We Are Immersed in the Bible
At Silver City, we echo the cry of the reformation: Sola Scriptura.

Rather than rely on human speculation, we aim to stand on the concrete cornerstone of divine revelation. So if you join us, we'll open the Bible, pick a book, and go through the entirety of it, verse by verse, mining each precious ounce of wisdom from it one word at a time. We believe in confessional Christianity, meaning, we learn what the Word says that we may confess our faith before the world. Many great church leaders throughout history have labored to give the church solid statements of faith for this very purpose. At Silver City, we uphold the Apostles Creed and joyfully adhere to the Westminster Confession of Faith.

We Sing Unto the Lord
We gather to sing songs worth singing 200 years from now

Martin Luther was fond of saying "Singing is the handmaiden to preaching."

Whether we realize it or not, what we sing when gathered as God's people matters. Each song we sing is like a miniture sermon we take with us in song form. The doctrinal content of our songs matters and their origin matters. We sing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs rich in doctrine and dripping with grace. We want songs that would feel fitting on your wedding day or your dying day. We want songs that the gathered church will still be singing in 200 years if the Lord tarries, not shallow puddles of vain repetition but deep wells of substance. Expect to hear the voices of the congregation as one of the primary instruments. Expect to sing whole Psalms, great hymns, and some of new stuff!

We Worship as a Whole
Family integrated worship, like the family of God.

On Sundays at Silver City, you won't find a separate Jr. High, Sr. High, women's, men's, or otherwise affinity-organized service—and that's on purpose! When we gather for worship, we do so as family. Every Sunday we fight the urge to silo everyone off by age, gender, and favorite color, instead gathering together in one room—geriatric grandpas and tiny toddlers together. So what about kids? They're noisy, We've heard. Yes, and the Lord Jesus seems to like it when they are allowed to come to him—so we’re ok with a little noise in the service. Bring your kids right into the corporate gathering with you. They are most welcome, and will be in good company. However, training children to revere and serve the Lord in the worship service is a joyful Christian duty. This means that if they become too loud and distracting, they should be taken out of the service in order to calm them and return with them to worship. This is but teaching the importance of worship to our children and our children's children! Nursing mothers have a designated nursing room for thier use and convience. 

We Foster Fellowship
Food, Friends, and Good Old-Fashioned Fun

Community is of utmost importance. After all, Eden was God and Man dwelling together. Thus, we seek to foster the glory of the communion of the saints when gathered on the Lords Day and during every day life. We gather early each Lord's Day for a delious breakfast bar. Also on the Lord's Day,  kids gather from 10am to 10:25am for Kingdom Kids Fellowship, where they can play games, cultivate friendship, and hear a great gospel story as a group just before service starts to get thier minds focused on Christ. Meals are shared, often taking the form of families eating together after service. We also have wholesome, organic community which may look like gathering for book club on a Saturday or a group of guys hanging out one evening after work to shoot bows! Join us!